What does POD stand for in business?

Are you trying to improve the efficiency of your team? If you’re working in a creative field, it could depend on your ability to abandon the traditional structure of your department. This type of structure typically involves lengthy chain of hierarchies, which create many challenges to development. The most significant issue with the old structure is its tendency towards limitation and bottlenecks. If one step in the chain is not functioning, all that follows will be affected. The dependency on people higher up the chain can be damaging in two ways: Workers at the production line lose their autonomy and the process of development ceases until the chain is rebuilt. POD stand for in business.

The Structure of the Pod

The pod concept is not new to industry giants such as Google and Hubspot and Hubspot, where it is used regularly to finish projects of all sizes and scopes. What exactly is the definition of a pod?

According to the definition, a pod is a group of individuals with similar capabilities working together for a common objective to complete a part of a larger campaign. The pod isn’t an actual “process,” but a approach to thinking. It’s a complete shift in mentality that places the decision-making and complete tasks that are entirely upon the pod. There are no more chain. No bottlenecks.


Create your Goal(s):Begin by delineating the objective or deliverable to your pod. In essence, what is the goal of the pod? After you’ve outlined what the pod is expected to accomplish then you’ll be able to pick the right team members for the task.

Choose a leader:Pick a captain for your vessel. This person must be well-versed about the expectations set by the mission and/or project, and be able of directing the decisions and actions of their fellow pod members.

Create a TeamOnce you’ve got your leader, you’re now able to select the remaining pod members. Pods should comprise between two to six persons. More than six and then you need to divide the group into 2 groups. In the end, the requirements of the group will decide the people who are included. If you’re looking to create an online landing page, don’t select a group of buyers for media.

Define the roles of members and Deliverables Great! Now having your pod and leader, you need to assign each member a specific role and deliverable. Be aware that these deliverables, when combined, should be equivalent to the overall goal of the project.

launch:You’re almost done! Everyone is gathered and has an obligation to perform. The only thing to do is set your deadlines for delivery, define any checkpoints, pod regroups, or checkpoints required and then unleash your pod in the world!

The advantages of the Structure of the Pod

What are the best ways to pods help increase the effectiveness for an organization? There are more ways to do it than you imagine. Industry leaders who have gathered research-based feedback such as HubSpot, Google and Big Spaceship reveal that pod structures greatly helped in the improvement of efficiency and team cooperation. In particular there are six key areas that need improvement:

Empowering the Employee: Team members are encouraged to feel secure and confident to take decisions without the interference of the upper management. This encourages a less top-down leadership style and the freedom of small teams.

team efficiency:Pod structuring implementation gives an easier method of working on projects. This lets teams be more flexible by conducting regular reviews, and helps ensure that the right people are in charge at the appropriate moment.

Collaboration Teams can have members integrated into several pods to meet various goals, which improves peer-to peer collaboration and accountability.

communication: Working in small groups lets team members quickly gather and exchange information about the project or to discuss any the issues that arise.

Responsibility: Pod structures foster the sense of shared accountability and awareness – towards each team member, each other and the product, as well as the client, and the deadlines.

Innovative: With constant communication among the different pieces of the piece, this system establishes an “learning culture” within the agency, which helps to keep standards and achieve significant milestones in projects.


Remember that any changes you make into your group, big or small it will require time and dedication to work. It’s not easy to learn for every aspect and pods aren’t an exception. If you’re implementing this approach in the very first instance, here’s some points to be aware of:

Create an Onboarding Pod Presentation: Not only will this benefit your existing team however, it will also help you add more members on your staff. This could be as simple as a quick tutorial for new employees to understand the creation of pods and use.

Utilize the Pod Feedback System:Quarterly employee surveys that measure the impact of your work method will allow you to see the things that are working and what requires more work.

Modify the System What is successful for one organization may not be the same for all companies. Always evaluate the successes and failures of your pods and make adjustments as needed.

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