Real Estate:Settlement Statement Explained

The settlement declaration is a form of documentation that summarises the details and conditions of an…

Dave Jenks: A Real Estate Icon Gives An View of the Industry

He died Sep. 14, 2021. Jenks is the co-authors of Millionaire Real Estate Agent and Millionaire Real Estate Investor. His…

Poison Pill: A Defense Strategy and Rights Plan

What is a poison pill? The poison pill is psychology-based defense technique that protects minority shareholders…

T. rex skull could sell for Millions at Auction

A Tyrannosaurus skull of a rex is likely to fetch as much as $20 million when…

The Hotel Star System

We’ve all heard it: “It’s a five-star hotel!” But what does it mean? If you’re lost in the…

What is a Real estate Agent do?

The most enjoyable advantages of being real estate agent is the fact that every day is…

Littoral Rights Concept & Purpose

The term “littoral land” refers to an which is bordered by the body of water. It could…