fiture mirror

Mirrors for fitness came onto the market before COVID, however they gained traction as gyms closed, and people were looking for motivational exercise routines at home. Mirrors of this size are relatively compact and come with an account with an app that lets you get workouts ranging from yoga and meditation to barre and boxing.

Its Fiture Fitness Mirror is a brand new product in this area and the company provided me an opportunity to try one of their products. As an National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified personal trainer and nutritionist, I was enthralled by the mirror’s unique technology that uses motion sensors to improve posture in real-time. A large portion of my work in fitness involves writing about fitness, health and nutrition. I work with private clients on diet and fitness plans that will help them achieve their goals.


Fiture will keep you motivated by using a points system throughout its Motion Engine exercises that help move you up the leaderboard for community members. It’s especially effective for one-minute challenges. Some workouts include the option of adding another workout simply by moving your hand before the mirror.

In comparison to the fitness mirrors currently available The Fiture is very similar to Mirror in comparison to Mirror in terms of accessories, classes selection, and price. Both Fiture as well as the Mirror have a slim design that can be hung on or placed against a wall, and offer many classes. While Fiture is currently offering more than 1,000 classes, with new classes appearing regularly The Mirror is on top with more than 10,000 classes.


The Fiture comes in a large heavy, bulky box. The company provides free unboxing and setup as a part of the purchase. But, there were issues regarding my shipment. The first was that a truck went down and I received several requests to reschedule my delivery. After rescheduling a new delivery time, the delivery vehicle arrived at a different time and I wasn’t home. Luckily, there was someone else home, however they weren’t aware that unboxing process was to be handled by the delivery staff. I wasn’t sure that it was an issue until I got the package. Let’s say I can understand the reason it’s one of the benefits.

It was a challenge to get the mirror out of the layered boxes and packaging. I managed it with my daughter who is 15 however, it wasn’t an easy task. When I took the mirror taken out of the box, all I had to do was connect it and follow the instructions for setting it up in the application.


The anchors and screws you need to fix the mirror are provided and are included, but Fiture recommends that their experts hang it on the wall. Fiture suggests contacting them to set up a time for professional to come in if need to relocate the wall-mounted mirror. This can be a hassle in the event that you want to alter the layout of your home.

Fiture provides a single package, that includes a mirror, magnetic camera cover tilt anchor set, water bottle, a heart-rate monitor and two sets resistance bands. It includes everything Fiture provides in one package. A few of the competitors offer an entry-level package that’s just a mirror, but with more expensive plans that come with the additional equipment for exercise.


Fiture’s package gave me the tools to begin working out. Some exercises require hand weights and/or yoga mats, which is the sole two things you’ll require that aren’t in the package. But, there are plenty of workouts that don’t need any equipment whatsoever.

The Fiture workouts focus on all body fitness, and offer choices to target particular areas, such as the arms, abs or legs. The classes include HIIT, yoga, boxing, barre, Pilates, cardio sculpt and stretching. You can also choose to follow any of the programs available for example, a boxing course lasting two weeks and a three week HIIT workout. There are also weekly challenges that last for one minute, including exercises like squats and reverse crunches. thrusters, jumping jacks along with star jumping.

But, the sensors were not perfect. The rep count appears on the upper part of the display, just below the bar for progression as well as the workout duration, that are locked at the top, so that you are able to be aware of the information. There were instances when my form did not change from rep to rep but some reps were recorded but others weren’t. This was a bit frustrating, particularly when I was performing the challenge. I’m a competitive individual and would like to be at the top of the squat competition leaderboard!


The Fiture application tracks your workout data that include your life weekly, monthly, and daily training time, classes attended and calories burned. It also tracks the classes you attend frequently and the amount of time you devote to these types of classes. It gives a great review of your exercise experience and highlights areas where you could be in need of improvement. For instance I tend to gravitate towards cardio exercises. When I looked at my Fiture statistics, I realized that I must ensure that I do at least two workouts for strength every week. These kinds of statistics can provide a way to identify any gaps and encourage you to work out regularly.

If you are using Heart Rate Monitor your heart rate will show on the top of the display, under the countdown for your workout. However, the Fiture does not offer any warnings in the event that your heart rate is too low or high. It’s the user’s responsibility to determine when their heart rate is at a risk threshold.


If you’re looking to end your gym membership but you still prefer classes as your primary exercise choice, Fiture is the app for you. The cost for the application is around the cost of an average gym membership however, you don’t need to travel to the gym, or engage with anyone you don’t wish to.

Overall, however the Fiture Fitness Mirror a good investment for the right family member or person. Be sure to check that it fits to your budget, your home, and fitness goals prior to buying it.

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