The popular fast-food chain announced last week that it will be offering the Cloudberry Sunjoy beverage in all its restaurants starting Monday. According to Chick-fil A, the seasonal drink was first tested in Augusta, Georgia last fall, before being released nationwide.
Chick-fil A said that the Cloudberry Sunjoy drink is a combination of cherry blossom and tart cloudberry with Chickfil-A’s Sunjoy beverage – Chickfil-A’s signature lemonade, sweetened iced and iced tea.
A special drink infused with the rarest berries of the northern hemisphere has arrived on restaurant menus to make spring more exciting. Cloudberry Sunjoy is available starting April 25. It’s a mix of Chick-fil A(r) Lemonade, Freshly-Brewed Sweetened ICED Tea and a mixture of cloudberry and cherry blossom flavors. What exactly is a Cloudberry?
Learn more about the Cloudberry Sunjoy(r)
The cloudberry is a refreshing and new way to experience the flavors of passionfruit, raspberry, mango, apricot, and apricot. The vibrant red and orange color of the cloudberry match its sweet and tart taste. It can take seven years for a cloudberry to mature from the moment it is planted until the day the flower blooms. But, we promise you that it’s well worth the wait. Cloudberries thrive in cooler climates and are usually grown in Greenland Canada, the United States, and other northern areas. Chick-fil-A’s Cloudberry Sunjoy can be enjoyed over ice at Chick-fil-A. It is a refreshing drink that cools you off during warmer days.
Cloudberry Sunjoy drink will now be available in small beverages, by the gallon, and in 16-ounce containers at selected restaurants. This new beverage can also be ordered as Chick-fil A Catering and customized with Chickfil-A(r), Diet Lemonade or Unsweetened Iced Tea. Frosted Cloudberry Lemonade is a unique twist that combines the magic of this beloved berry and our Frosted Lemonade.
Are you on cloud nine about cloudberry treats and beverages? Want to try some cloudberry goodness yourself? This limited-time offer is only available at Chickfil-A restaurants or through the Chickfil-A app. Our regular Sunjoy beverages are available when our Cloudberry Sunjoy is unavailable or not in your area.