Chest pain is different from pain in other parts or organs of the body. It immediately raises alarm bells. Could it be heart attack? Although not all chest discomfort is due to a heart problem, it can be a sign of other problems. It doesn’t matter if the pain is sharp or mild, or if it is just a dull ache. This is considered one of the most common symptoms of cardiovascular emergencies. This article will review the most common causes for chest pain and show you why Chest Pain Should not be Ignored.
Angina, or poor blood circulation to the heart, can cause chest pain. This is caused by a sudden blockage of the coronary arteries. A heart attack may result. Due to the complex network of nerves within the body, the pain can radiate to other areas, such as the stomach or abdomen. This causes discomfort. Referred pain is what this is. If it’s a heartattack, you need to seek medical attention immediately in order to avoid further damage.
Angina causes chest pain that feels like pressure on the heart. Angina can be classified into two different types:
When you exert yourself, your heart pumps faster and this can cause stable angina.
Angina unstable: it can occur for no apparent reason
The treatment of stable angina can be much easier. In contrast, unstable angina could indicate that the patient may be at risk for a heart attack.
Heart attack
The type of chest pain can be used by doctors to determine if it is a sign of a heart disease or an attack. Patients usually note at least one of the following symptoms:
- Feeling full, burning, tightness or pressure in the chest area
- Pain that radiates from your back, neck and shoulders to one or both of your arms
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Pain that persists longer than a few seconds and gets worse with exercise
Cardiomyopathy is a progressive heart disease that can lead to heart failure. Cardiomyopathy may lead to:
- Chest pain
- Palpitations
- Arrhythmia
- Swollen Ankles
- Shortness of Breath
Cardiomyopathy can be diagnosed by any of the symptoms above.
Aortic dissection
It is a serious condition involving the main artery that leads from your aorta. The aorta wall gets split, causing a burning pain that radiates into the back. Sometimes, the dissection extends up to the origin of your aorta. This can block off one or several coronary arteries. Aortic dissection can lead to heart attacks, so it is a medical crisis.
Pericarditis, an inflammation of the sac surrounding your heart, causes sharp pain that gets worse with breathing or when you lie down.
Pulmonary Embolization
When a blood clot, or thrombus, is lodged into a lung artery and blocks blood flow to the lungs, it is called a pulmonary embolism (PE). PE is usually caused by thrombosis of the deep veins. The clots in the body can be dislodged and lodged in the arteries in the lung, causing chest pain, breathlessness, and a rapid heartbeat. If you try to breathe deeply or cough, the pain may worsen.
Chest pain is a common symptom of pulmonary embolisms, which are medical emergencies. If you suspect that the symptoms of PE are similar, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.
Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure can result from heart conditions that persist for a long time. The heart’s ability to function as a ‘pump’ is no longer able to meet the ongoing needs of the body. The heart’s pumping ability can be affected by many of the diseases mentioned above. Chest pain is one of the main symptoms.
Chest pain is not always caused by angina or heart attacks. It can also be caused by other conditions such as:
- Asthma
- Acid Reflux
- Anxiety
- Panic attack
- Gallbladder and pancreas problems
- Shingles
- Ribs or muscles injured
Why should chest pain be taken serious?
Chest pain is not something you can put off or Chest Pain Should not be Ignored. When you feel chest pain, self-diagnosis should not be an option. It is best to consult a doctor as soon as you can, rather than googling symptoms or trying to diagnose yourself.
You should seek medical attention if you are concerned about the symptoms, such as nausea, cold sweat or vomiting. Call for medical assistance, preferably in an ambulance.
What happens after you’re admitted to hospital?
The hospital will evaluate your symptoms to rule out a heart attacks. Only after they have ruled that out, do doctors begin looking for other causes. You could have a variety of causes, including indigestion or panic attacks, or even something more serious, like angina or pericarditis. A cardiologist can examine your symptoms and use diagnostic tools such as an ECG, X ray, or other diagnostic tools.
There are also other ways that doctors can come to a conclusion based on what you experience during an initial assessment.
- The heart of your pain
- What is the exact sensation? Numbness, burning, pressure, tightness, or shooting pain
- History of similar pain
- How long did the pain last?
- If the pain is worse or the same
- Does the pain occur in waves or is it constant?
You will be given a diagnosis and treatment based on the results of the tests.
The conclusion
Chest pain is not something to be taken lightly or Should not be Ignored. The chest is home to many organs, so it’s important not to take chest pain lightly. You have a better chance of coping with heart conditions or other emergencies if you act quickly. The chest pain you feel could be due to indigestion or a heart attack.