Payment Remittance: What’s the significance

Remittance Explained

Most commonly used for international cash transfer, remittance transactions are a common method of payment. The rise of global economic activity in cross-border commerce creates a massive demand for remittances payments across the globe. Based on the Pew Research Center in 2017, more than $148 billion was paid as remittances of funds from U.S. to foreign countries. Remittance needs are diverse and so are the methods used to complete the transactions. Because every situation is unique and unique, it’s important to learn the specifics of remittance payment.

What’s the significance in Remittance?

The term “payment remittance” refers to a financial exchange made through an electronic transfer. A person will transfer funds to another person or organization generally through wire transfer or electronic transfer. Transfers like this typically take place globally and are done in a matter of minutes. Remittances are often used as a method of sending funds back to the country of origin to help with financial assistance. Remittances can also be used to help developing countries and comprise the part of the GDP (GDP). Although convenient, and not always conducted through business transactions charges do apply to transactions in remittance.

How does a transaction work?

There are a variety of ways that the remittance process can be carried out. The factors that determine a method include access to bank accounts or preferences in payment, need for speedy transactions, or the expense associated with the transactions. However, regardless of the method used it is a simple method to complete the process.

In order to process a remittance to pay for a remittance, the funds in the remitt amount must be in the bank account of the sender. Once the transaction is completed, the funds are transferred to the bank of the recipient to be processed. Once the money has been received by the bank the rate of exchange for foreign currency and a fee will be applied. The money is now available in local currency, with no charges, for the beneficiary to use.

Remittances taxes

This is especially the case for businesses that pay however individuals are taxed also, as it is referred to as the ” non-business tax remittance” in the OECD. Because remittances are a source of income, regardless of whether it’s as a gift or compensation that must be recorded in federal tax return. The proportion and conditions differ between countries and, therefore, whether you’re sending funds as well as accepting the payment both parties are accountable for logging the transaction. It’s essential to keep abreast with current tax laws in countries that could be involved in remitting in order to properly file.

How do I pay and transfer money to another country?

The majority of remittances are processed via wire transfer However electronic transfers are common too. There are numerous alternatives for wire transfer, but the most popular ones include Western Union and SWIFT. Senders of money must make sure that their bank has the same transfer firms as the bank of the recipient. In some instances banks that are not able to directly receive transfers. In this scenario the intermediary bank will take the funds that are incoming, and later transfer them to the bank of the recipient as well as, of course alter the cost of their service. Due to this wire transfers can take as long as five days to be processed.

A different option to wire transfer is to use an electronic money transfer (EFT). It’s a far more efficient method, and is often completed within one day. EFTs are processed through applications for tablets and phones and websites via the computer network, removing the paper work that wire transfers or any other payment method might require.

The services that you use for money transfer could have lower fees and shorter times for transfers, based on the type of service you select as well as the countries that are involved in the transaction. This option is best utilized by a person that whom you are familiar with, according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission as scammers frequently use this method.

The reasons you could send money abroad:

There are a variety of reasons a business or person might choose to transfer money abroad. The most common reason is to help financially support family members in the country of origin. In the current global economic climate people will travel overseas to find better opportunities to support their families. Money is sent to loved ones via the remittance payment. Charges could be very high for these transactions.

Another reason is the possibility of hiring a contractor from abroad. Since business today is usually globally-oriented, many companies employ a professional from another country to help in a temporary or project basis. The most effective method to pay the contractor is via an remittance. It is typically an organization that issues remittances to an individual.

It is possible that someone would want to give money to an organization using international transfer. This usually takes the form of an unintentional donation or gift to a cause such as an emergency fund. In many instances the remittance payment is made to countries that are developing as financial aid.

payment methods used to make the remittance

There are many methods to send an remittance. The most well-known method is via a standard transfer to a bank. This easy process requires only two banks accounts. The transfer could require an additional third party bank or partner bank and in this case, there is an additional fee paid to cover their participation. Bank remittance usually takes forms of ACH wire transfers and payments.

Money orders and checks are the most common means of transfer. This process is lengthy and requires a number of stages for the banks finish. Rates of exchange and fees are applicable to this kind of transaction. But, it is the least expensive money transfer other than cash transfer direct.

As previously mentioned the use of money transfer services is an excellent way to use technology to pay to make the payment. Money is exchanged by linking accounts, which include the option of credit card or debit card transactions. Credit cards are a costly but reliable method of remitting money. There is a way to visit the service provider directly using cash or credit card, if one is required. This is a great option to those who don’t have banks accounts.

Alternative options include the blockchain and remittance applications. The ability to pay through an app is convenient and is likely to be the future of payment. Security is a concern with electronic transactions, but the transaction is fast and is confirmed by text messages or other confirmation methods.

popular payment methods


While checks are not the most modern method of payment to be used in B2C transactions, they are the most common method of payment used in B2B sales. Checks offer many benefits one of which is they provide a paper trail for the entire the entire payment process that in a way is the reason why businesses love checks so heavily. However, there are a few drawbacks. Human error when writing the check can need a new checks to be modified. Checks that bounce can create the possibility of consequences to be dealt with. The amount of employees that are affected can increase the overhead. The process of clearing checks can take an extended time.

Credit Cards

Credit card charging is a reliable method of making payments. It is known to be a secure method to guarantee that the payment will be accepted, but credit cards are known to have excessive fees both sides of transactions. Credit cards also come with spending limits, which could be a challenge for businesses with high volumes of business sales.

Electronic Funds Transfers

A popular method of payment, the digital funds transfer can be described as a electronic payment. Its function isn’t different from ACH or wire transfer. In actual both are both types of electronic funds transfer. EFT is a method of payment that can transfer funds with efficiency for less cost, and at more quickly than ACH or wire transactions, since it’s completely digital. According to the ystats database, 59% of 2018 transactions across three different world regions were processed electronically.

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