EBITA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and Amortization

Earnings before interest taxes, amortization and depreciation (EBITA) can be viewed as a measurement of profitability of a company that is utilized by investors. It’s useful for comparison of one business to another operating in the same area of business. In certain cases it can also provide an accurate picture of the actual performance of a company over time. The company’s EBITA is believed by certain analysts and investors as an accurate reflection of its actual profits. It eliminates taxes due as well as the interest accrued on company debt and the impact that come from amortization which is the accounting method of deducting the expense of an intangible asset over the course of a number of years removed out of the equation.

It provides more precise information about the amount of cash the company has to invest back into the company or pay dividends. It is also considered to be a measure of the effectiveness of the company’s operation.


EBITA is not utilized more often than EBITDA that adds deductions into the equation. Depreciation in accounting for businesses is the process of recording the diminished value of tangible assets of the company over time. It is a method of accounting for wear and tear of assets like infrastructure and machines. Certain companies, like those operating in the manufacturing, utilities and telecoms sectors, have substantial expenditures for infrastructure and equipment, which are recorded in their financial statements.

The two EBITA as well as EBITDA are effective instruments to assess the company’s profitability in operating. Profitability refers to earnings earned in the course of normal business. A better understanding of the profitability of a company could be derived if capital expenditures and financing expenses are deducted from the earnings total.

Calculation of EBITA

In order to calculate an organization’s EBITA, an analyst has to first establish how much the firm’s earnings before taxes (EBT). The figure is included in the company’s income statement as well as other materials for investor relations. Add to this figure cost of interest and amortization. This formula would be:

EBITA = EBT + interest expense + amortization expense

Where Can You Find a Company’s EBITA?

If a firm doesn’t offer this kind of metric (there’s no legal obligation to make it available) You can find it by looking through the company’s financial statements. Find the earnings, tax and the interest figure on an income statement. the amortization figures are usually found within the note to operational profits and on cash flow reports. One way to calculate EBITA is to begin with operating profits, also known as earnings before taxes and interest (EBIT) after which you can include back amortization.

How Is EBITA Useful?

EBITA is believed as an accurate measure of the amount of cash an organization has to invest back into its business or pay dividends. It can also indicate how efficient the operations of a business are.

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