Honey Impact On Health: A Review of Clinical Research

Honey is one of the most beloved and valued natural substances that have been introduced to the world since the very beginning of the time. Honey isn’t only utilized as a food supplement however, it is also used to improve health as is described in traditional medicine. It is also used as a treatment alternative for ailments that range from healing wounds, to treatments for cancer. The aim in this piece is to present the benefits of honey as well as its many applications in therapeutic applications. Honey is used traditionally for treating eye ailments like throat infections and bronchial asthma tuberculosis. fatigue, dizziness from thirst constipation due to hiccups as well as hepatitis piles, worm infestations and eczema. It can also help heal injuries and wounds. It is also used as nutritional supplement. Honey’s components have been found to possess antioxidant properties in addition to antimicrobial cancer fighting, antiproliferative, and antimetastatic effects. Numerous studies have shown that Honey Impact On Health in preventing and treating the growth of diabetes mellitus asthma, wounds and cancer. It is also helpful for cardiovascular, neurological and gastrointestinal diseases. Honey could have therapeutic role in the treatment of diseases because of its phytochemical anti-inflammatory antioxidant , and antimicrobial properties. Flavonoids and polyphenols that act as antioxidants are the two main bioactive molecules in honey. According to recent research honey is a nutritious food item and could have beneficial qualities for treating many diseases such as diabetes mellitus, respiratory, the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, as well as nervous system. It could even help in treating cancer since a wide range different kinds of antioxidants may be present in honey. Honey is a an natural remedy that is able to be used for many medicinal applications. There is plenty of evidence in favor of that honey is a useful ingredient in the treatment of various diseases. Based on this, the use of honey within the hospitals for clinical patients is highly recommended.

Honey is a remedy for health

The evidence found in Stone Age paintings shows treatment of illnesses using products from bees such as honey, which were discovered in the 8000s of years prior to. Scrolls, tablets (also known as book manuscripts) written on the books made of Sumerian Clay tablets (6200 BC), Egyptian papyri (1900-1250 BC), Veda (Hindu scripture) dating back 5000 years as well as in the Holy Koran, Bible, and Hippocrates (460-357 BC) illustrated the use of honey to treat ailments. The Qur’an explained the way that honey may have beneficial effects for healing. The Lord has encouraged bees to build hives in mountains, on trees and even in man’s homes within their bodies. It is an aqueous fluid of many hues that may be healing for the entire world. This is a message to all who are thinking. While a variety of studies have been published about honey, they have been focused on the biological aspects of the honey, food and commercial uses of non-food. Honey is utilized to treat various ailments, including eye problems and the throat, as well as asthma tuberculosis as well as fatigue, thirst constipation and hiccups as well as hepatitis piles, worms and the healing of eczema, ulcers, and injuries in traditional medical therapies.

The nutritional and nonnutritional components in honey

Today, more than 300 kinds of honey are in existence. They are linked to the different types of nectar collected by honeybees. Honey’s main ingredient is carbohydrates , which make up 95-97 percent of the weight of honey in dry form. Additionally, honey is an excellent source of important components which include amino acids, minerals and organic acids . Pure honey also has polyphenols, flavonoids, glycosides, reduction compounds alkaloids like cardiac glycosides, anthraquinone as well as volatile compounds. Monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) are the main sugars found in honey and may be the main cause of the nutritional and physical impact of honey. Apart from monosaccharides, there are also lesser quantities in disaccharides (sucrose galactose and galactose beta-trehalose as well as gentiobio as well as laminaribiose) trisaccharides (melezitose 1 maltotriose, maltotriose, isomaltose sugar, erlose, isomaltotriose centose and theanderose) maltopentaose) and oligosaccharides are present in honey . The majority of these sugars develop when honey matures, and as it ripens. times. Gluconic acid, one of the byproducts from oxygenation glucose. It is the main organic acid found in honey. Also, tiny amounts from formic, acetic, and citric have been discovered. These organic acids are responsible for the acidic (pH between 3.2 and 4.5) characteristic of honey. Honey is also made up of essential amino acids, such as the nine amino acids that are essential and the non-essential amino acids, except glutamine as well as the amino acid asparagine. Proline is the primary amino acid found in honey which is followed by a variety of amino acids. Enzymes (diastase diastases catalase, diastases invertases, glucose oxidase and as and acid phosphatase) are the most important honey proteins. The amount of vitamin C present in honey is small and is not as large as the daily dose suggested from the FDA . All the water-soluble vitamins can be found in honey, too, but Vitamin C is the biggest and most widely used. About 31 minerals are present in honey, which include all the important minerals, such as calcium, sodium, phosphorus and phosphorus and sulfur, magnesium and potassium as well as chlorine .

Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties

Chronic inflammation could slow healing and cause tissue damage. According to recent research, honey has been shown to reduce inflammation in the animal model, in studies on cells, and clinical trials. Honey’s phenolic content is the primary reason for its anti-inflammatory properties. The flavonoids and phenolic substances are involved in the suppression of pro-inflammatory activities of COX-2 (COX-2) as well as the inducible Nitric Oxygen Synthase (iNOS). Honey as well as its components have been shown to play an important role for the control of several proteins that include iNOS ornithine descarboxylase , tyrosine kina and COX-2. Different types of honey have been proven to trigger the tumor necrosis factor beta interleukin-1 (IL-1b) in addition to the generation of the IL-6. Honey is known to increase lymphocytes from T and B, as well as monocytes, antibodies, eosinophils neutrophils, as well as natural killer cells’ production during both primary and secondary immune reactions in tissue in the culture.

It was found that the slow absorption triggers the production of short-chain-fatty acids (SCFA) fermentation agents. The possibility is that the consumption of honey could cause SCFA production. The immunomodulatory effects of SCFA have been proven. Therefore, honey may induce the immune response via the process of fermentation of sugars. A sugar, nigerooligosaccharides, present in honey has been observed to have immunopotentiating effects. Honey’s other components, which are not sugar-based, are involved in the process of immunomodulation.

Honey: Diabetes

There is evidence that suggests the benefits of honey in the management of diabetes mellitus. These results point to the potential beneficial effects of honey as well as other powerful antioxidants in addition to conventional antidiabetic drugs to treat the adverse effects of diabetes mellitus. Concerning the drawbacks associated with taking antioxidants other methods to reduce ROS production are available as an alternative to conventional treatment for diabetes. One of these research studies for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes mellitus, the use of honey was found to be associated with significant lower glycemic index when compared to people who took sucrose or glucose in Type 1 diabetes and normal. The levels of Type 2 diabetes which are comparable to sugar levels in honey sucrose, glucose, and honey. In diabetics, honey could result in an increase in level of blood sugar, in comparison to dextran. In normal and hyperlipidemic patients, it may also reduce homocysteine levels, blood-lipids and C-reactive levels of proteins. However, there are a lot of issues remain to be resolved specifically in relation to the possibility of tackling the disease through treatment options that are geared towards both hyperglycemia and oxygenative stress. In addition, the benefits of honey in managing diabetes may not be only limited to regulating glycemia. It could be used to treat the metabolic complications that can be associated with it.

Honey: Digestive disorders

Honey has been proven to be a beneficial treatment for a variety of disorders which affect the gastrointestinal tract, including periodontal and other oral diseases, dyspepsia and as a component of oral therapy to replenish hydration. In vitro studies have suggested that honey could be bactericidal on Helicobacter Pylori athough an experiment on manuka honey to boost Helicobacter elimination did not show the effectiveness of the treatment. Honey could also be useful as a treatment component to rehydrate oral fluids and in an investigation conducted in clinical studies, the results of honey’s curative properties were studied on children and infants admitted to hospitals with gastroenteritis. They noticed a significant decrease in the length of diarrhea in patients who were treated by honey.

Bottom Line

An adequate amount of evidence confirms the effectiveness of honey in help treat health conditions. Evidence for the effectiveness of honey in every aspect in the field of medical care is essential. Studies have revealed that the therapeutic benefits of honey may be due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory antioxidant as well as anti-apoptotic properties. This article is expected to provide healthcare professionals with evidence to support honey’s benefits to use for medical uses. While there have been some studies that have examined the benefits of honey for medical purposes, more is needed to study the medicinal benefits from honey, in all of its forms.

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