Expansionary Fiscal Policy

Tax cuts and increased government spending are two of the most prominent examples of fiscal expansion. Both policies aim to increase aggregate consumption and to draw down budget surpluses or reduce deficits. They are usually used to stimulate a recovery, or to reduce budget surpluses. Classical macroeconomics considers Fiscal Policy an effective strategy that the government can use to counter the natural depression in economic activity and spending that occurs during a recession. Consumers and businesses reduce spending and invest when business conditions are bad. This causes the business environment to worsen and can make it difficult for businesses to recover.

Economic Activity during a Recession

Individuals’ purchasing habits change during recessions. They have to make new choices about what products they want to purchase. Their spending overall decreases. Businesses will see a decrease in their spending and economic activity, which results in lower revenue. This leads to higher unemployment and a greater decline in spending and economic activity.

John Maynard Keynes first identified this self-reinforcing cycle during the Great Depression. He wrote “General Theory of Employment, Money, and Interest” in his book, “General Theory of Employment, Money, and Interest”. These tendencies of the business cycle were identified by Keynes as fiscal policy.

How tax cuts can stimulate economic activity

The government might try to offset the economic slowdown by offering a tax cut and an increase in government spending to help citizens. This could create jobs and reduce unemployment.

The 2008 Economic Stimulus Act of 2008. This act was an example of tax cuts being expansionary fiscal policies. It allowed the government to boost the economy, sending taxpayers $600 and $1,200, depending on marital status and dependents. It cost $152 billion.

Conservatives favor tax cuts for expansionary fiscal policy. They have less faith and faith in the government, but they believe more in the markets.

Liberals are more confident that the government can spend wisely and more inclined to support government spending than tax cuts as a way to expand fiscal policy.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 is an example of government spending being expansionary fiscal policy. The total amount of this effort, which was $831 billion, was made during the Great Recession. This spending was mainly directed at infrastructure, education, as well as extension of unemployment benefits.

How can an expansionary fiscal policy help the economy?

The government can increase spending by creating jobs or reducing unemployment. Spending can be boosted by tax cuts that quickly put money in the hands of consumers. Overall, an expansionary fiscal policy could restore faith in the government. It can make people and businesses feel better about their finances and increase economic activity.

What are the negative aspects of fiscal expansion?

Inflation can be caused by all the spending that is sparked by fiscal expansion. Tax cuts that were made to support spending should be reversed. Furthermore, politicians may use fiscal expansion for political ends, and not for the benefit of the country.

What are the 3 types of fiscal policy?

There are three types of fiscal policies: expansionary, neutral, and contractionary. If the government does not feel the economy is stable and healthy, it will adopt a neutral policy. A fiscal policy that is expansionary involves spending more or cutting taxes in order to stop or end a recession. To slow down unsustainable economic growth, a contractionary fiscal policy would reduce spending or raise taxes.

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