What is Inflation?

Inflation refers to a rise in the cost of goods and services, which could be translated into a decrease the purchasing power of a consumer over the course. The amount at which the purchasing power declines is evident in the average cost rise of certain products and services over a amount of time. The increase in prices that are usually expressed in percentages signifies that a dollar is effectively worth lower than during previous times. Inflation is often contrasted with deflation, which happens in the event that prices fall and purchasing power grows.

It is not difficult to assess the price fluctuations of individual items in time, human requirements go beyond the two or three products. They include food items, grains, metals and fuel, as well as utilities such as transportation and electricity, as well as services such as entertainment, health care and even labor. Inflation seeks to determine the total effect of price fluctuations on an array of goods and services.

Price increases by a percentage, meaning that one dollar is used to purchase fewer products and services. This decrease in purchasing power can affect costs of life for general people, leading to a decrease in the rate of economic growth.

To counter this to combat this, the monetary authority, which is also known as the central bank is responsible for taking the necessary measures to control the supply of money and credit to ensure that inflation is within acceptable boundaries. Theoretically speaking, monetarism is one of the most popular theories that explain the connection between the rate of inflation and the supply in an economy.

Inflation can be measured in a number of ways, based on the kind of products and services. It’s the reverse of deflation which refers to a general decrease in prices when the rate becomes negative. Remember that deflation is not to be confused by disinflation which is a word that refers to an increase in an inflation rate.

The causes of Inflation

A rise in the quantity of money is the cause of inflation. However, this may be achieved through various mechanisms within the economy. The supply of money in a country can be increased by central bank through:

  • Printing and distributing more cash to the citizens
  • The legal tender currency is devalued
  • New money is created as reserves account credit via the banking system by buying bond bonds issued by the government from banks in the market for secondary securities.

The mechanism that creates inflation can be divided into three categories that are: i) demand-pull inflation and ii) cost-push inflation and iii) inbuilt inflation.

Demand Pull Effect

Demand-pull inflation is by causing an increment in the availability of credit and money stimulates the general demand for products and services to rise faster than the production capacity of the economy. This leads to a rise in demand, which causes price increases. If people have more money it creates positive consumer mood. This creates a gap in supply and demand which is caused by higher demand, and less flexibility in supply which leads to increased prices.

Cost Push Effect

Cost-push inflation occurs as a result of price increases caused by production inputs. If the additions to the supply of credit and money are channeled to a commodity or other asset market cost for all types of intermediate goods are increased. This is evident especially in the event of an economic downturn that affects supplies of key commodities. These changes result in higher costs for the final product and service and eventually translate into a rise in consumer prices. When, for instance, the supply of money is increased and the money supply is expanded, it causes a speculative surge in oil prices. That means the price of energy could rise and cause a rise in costs for consumers, which is manifested in various ways of measuring inflation.

With Built-in Inflation

Built-in inflation is a result of adaptive expectations, or the notion that people are expecting that current rates of inflation will continue in the near future. If the cost of items and services rises, individuals could anticipate a steady increase in the future at the same rate. This means that workers could require higher costs or pay to ensure their living standards. Increased wages lead to an increase in the cost of products and services and this price-wage spiral will continue when one factor influences another and vice versa.

Different types of Price Indexes

Based on the range of products and services utilized, various types of baskets are measured and recorded to create price scales. The most widely used price indexes are Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Wholesale Price Index (WPI).

It is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

The CPI is an index that analyzes the weighted average of a variety of goods and services that are essential consumer requirements. It includes food, transportation as well as medical treatment.

CPI can be calculated using the price change for each item within the specified basket of goods and then averaging them on their weightage across the entire basket. The prices considered are the retail prices for every item, which are accessible to individuals.

The changes in CPI can be used to determine changes in the price of goods and services that relate to inflation, which makes CPI one of the widely employed statistics to determine times of deflation or inflation. The U.S., the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes the CPI on an annual basis and calculates it as long to 1913.

The Wholesale Price Index(WPI)

It is the Wholesale price is another well-known indicator of inflation. It tracks and measures changes in the cost of goods at the stages prior to the retail level. Although index items differ from one country to another but they are mostly products at the wholesale or producer level. Although many organizations and countries utilize the Wholesale price Index, many other countries, like that of the U.S., use a similar variation known as”the Producer Price Index (PPI).

The Producer Price Index (PPI)

The PPI is one of a number of indexes which measures the average variation in selling prices for local producers of intermediate products as well as services in the course of time. The PPI is a measure of prices from the viewpoint of the seller. It differs from the CPI which evaluates price changes from the viewpoint from the perspective of buyers.

In all variations it’s possible that the increase in price of one element (say oil) is offset by the decline of an additional component (say wheat) to a certain degree. All in all, each index represents the weighted average change in price for the specific constituents that can be used at an overall sector, economic or even at the commodity level.

the Formula to Measuring Inflation

The various variations of price indexes may be used to determine the inflation rate between two specific months. Mathematically,

Percent Inflation Rate = (Final CPI Index Value/Initial CPI Value) x 100

Advantages and disadvantages of Inflation

Inflation could be seen as either a good or negative thing, based on the perspective one chooses to take and the speed at which the process of change takes place.


The owners of tangible assets (like properties or stocks of commodities) priced in their local currency might want to see an increase in inflation, as it increases the cost of their possessions that they are able to sell at a greater price. Inflation can trigger speculation by companies involved who invest in risky projects as well as investors who buy company stocks, hoping for higher yields over inflation.

A certain level of inflation is frequently used to encourage spending to a certain amount in lieu of saving. If the buying power of money decreases over time, there could be a higher incentive to spend it now instead of saving for later. It could result in increased spending which could boost economic activity in a nation.


Investors in these types of assets may not be thrilled with the rise in inflationsince they will have to spend more cash. Investors who have assets that are worth their local currency such as bonds or cash, might dislike inflation since it diminishes the true worth of their assets. In this way, investors looking to protect their portfolios against inflation ought to look into inflation-hedged asset classes like gold, commodities and REITs, or real property investments trusts (REITs). Inflation-indexed bonds are yet another preferred choice for investors to make money from the rising cost of inflation.

The high and fluctuating rate of inflation can result in huge costs on the economy. Employers, businesses as well as consumers have to be aware of the impact of rising prices throughout their buying, selling and planning. This creates a further element of uncertainty into the economy as they might be unsure of the future rate of inflation. This is in contrast to the actual economic fundamentals, which will eventually are a burden to the economy in general.

If new money or credit comes into the market and is deposited in the hands of specific individuals or companies. The adjustment of the price levels to reflect the new supply of money is a way for them to spend the money they have received and it moves between hands, and then to account throughout the economy.

Inflation drives up certain prices initially, but it also increases other prices later. This cyclical shift in purchasing power and prices implies that inflation doesn’t just raise the price of goods and services as time passes. However, it also alters the wages, prices and rates of return as well.


  • Increases the resale price of assets
  • Inflation that is at a reasonable level encourages spending


  • Buyers must pay more for goods and services
  • Increase the price of the economy
  • The price of some items is first pushed up and then others later

Monitoring Inflation

It’s done by implementing measures under the monetary policy. It is the term used to describe the actions of central banks and other committees who decide the amount and the rate of expansion in the quantity of cash available. For the U.S., the Fed’s goals in terms of monetary policy are moderate interest rates for the long term as well as price stability and maximal employment. Each of these objectives is designed to foster an environment that is stable for the financial system. In addition, the Federal Reserve clearly communicates long-term inflation targets to ensure a consistent long-term inflation rate, which is believed to be beneficial for the economy.

It is believed that the Fed thinks that it can result in the creation of maximum job creation, which can be determined through non-monetary variables which fluctuate with time, and therefore are subject to changes. This is why the Fed has no specific target for the maximum amount of employment, and the determination is made by the assessment of employers. Employment that is at its highest does not necessarily mean no unemployment, since at any point there’s a certain degree of fluctuation as people leave and take on new positions.

Additionally, the authorities take extraordinary measures when they are in the midst of extreme circumstances for the economy. In the aftermath of the financial meltdown of 2008 the U.S. Fed has kept the interest rates at a low and implemented a bond buying program known as quantitative ease (QE). A few critics of the program claimed it could cause an increase in inflation in the U.S. dollar, but the rate of inflation topped out in 2007 before dipping gradually over the following eight years. There are a myriad of reasons for why QE did not result in hyperinflation or inflation but the most common reason is the fact that recessions are a significant deflationary atmosphere and that quantitative easing helped to mitigate its effects.

Therefore, U.S. policymakers have attempted to maintain inflation at about 2% annually. year.15 In addition, the European Central Bank (ECB) has also been pursuing aggressive quantitative easing in order to combat inflation in the eurozone and some regions have seen lower interest rates. It’s because of fears that deflation might take hold within the eurozone, and lead to stagnation in the economy.

Hedging against Inflation

Stocks are believed to be the most effective hedge against inflation, since the increase in prices of stocks includes the effects of inflation. Since the expansion of the supply of money in almost every modern economy occur as credits to banks through the financial system The majority of the immediate impact on prices occurs in financial assets which are priced in their native currency like stocks.

Certain financial instruments are available which can be used to protect investments from inflation. They include Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) Treasury securities with low risk insurance that’s indexed according to the rate of inflation, meaning that the principal amount of money invested is increased by the amount of inflation.20

You can also choose an TIPS mutual fund or TIPS-based exchange traded fund (ETF). For access to ETFs, stocks and other funds which can help you keep from the risks from inflation, it’s require an account with a brokerage. Finding a good stockbroker could be a daunting task because of the many options available to them.

Gold is also thought to be a hedge against the effects of inflation however it doesn’t appear to be the case when looking at the backward.

Examples of extreme examples of inflation

Since all currencies around the world are fiat currencies The supply of money could expand rapidly due to political motives which could lead to an increase in prices that is rapid. The most well-known example is the crisis of hyperinflation which struck in the German Weimar Republic in the beginning of the 1920s.

The countries that won during World War I demanded reparations from Germany and could not be paid using German paper currency because it was of a questionable value because of the government’s borrowing. Germany tried to print notes on paper, purchase foreign currency using them and then use it to pay off their obligations.

This resulted in the rapid devaluation of the German mark, as well as the hyperinflation which accompanied the growth. German consumers were able to respond to the economic downturn by attempting to use their cash as quickly as they could, knowing it will be less valuable the longer they put off. As more and more money was poured into the economy, and it’s value dropped until the people would cover their walls with useless bills.21 Similar scenarios have been seen in Peru in the year 1990, and Zimbabwe between 2007 and the year 2008.

What is the cause of inflation?

There are three major reasons for the rise in inflation: Demand-pull inflation cost-push inflation, as well as inbuilt inflation.

  • Demand-pull inflation refers when there aren’t enough goods or services being manufactured to meet the demand, leading the prices of these products to rise.
  • Cost-push inflation on the contrary, is when the price of manufacturing goods and services increases, causing companies to raise the prices they charge.
  • Inflation that is built-in occurs when people require higher wages in order to meet cost of living that is rising. This causes companies to increase prices to cover their increasing wage costs which creates self-reinforcing loops of price and wage hikes.

Is Inflation Beneficial or Negative?

A high level of inflation is typically thought to be bad for the economy, whereas the absence of inflation is thought to be harmful. Many economists favor an equilibrium of low to moderate inflation, which is about 2% annually. In general the higher rate of inflation is detrimental to savers as it reduces the value of the money they’ve saved. However, it could also benefit those who borrow because the value adjusted for inflation of their outstanding debts decreases in time.

What are the effects on Inflation?

Inflation can impact the economy in a variety of ways. In the case of inflation, for instance, if it results in a country’s currency to fall, it can help exporters, making their products cheaper when they are priced in foreign currency. countries.

However it could also hurt importers by making imported goods more costly. Inflation increases can also spur spendingas people want to buy goods fast prior to prices rising further. Savers on the other hand they could see the true worth of savings diminish and limit their ability to invest or spend in the near future.

Why is Inflation too high Right Now?

In 2022, the rate of inflation throughout the U.S. and around the globe reached its highest since beginning of the 1980s. While there isn’t any sole reason for this dramatic increase in prices across the globe the fact is that a number of factors contributed to pushing inflation to levels that were so high. The COVID-19 epidemic in the early months of 2020 brought about lockdowns and other measures of restriction that disrupted supply chains across the globe from factory closures to congestion at ports for ships. Additionally government released stimulus check and raised unemployment insurance to reduce the financial effects of these measures on both individuals as well as small businesses.

Russia’s unprovoked invasion into Ukraine in the beginning of 2022 resulted in a string of trade and economic restrictions against Russia which limited the world’s supply of petroleum and gas as Russia is a major manufacturer of fossil fuels. Additionally food prices increased because the large harvests of Ukrainian grain were not able to be exported. As food and fuel prices increased, it resulted in similar increases down the value chain.

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